Category: Tutorials

  • Piqué Ballet Step: A Comprehensive Guide

    Piqué means “pricked.” It refers to an exercise usually performed on the bar (battement tendu piqué). On the other hand, piqué is also a connecting movement. In this article, we will explain each of them so you can perform them perfectly. Battement Tendu Piqué This is a movement in which the toe of the raised…

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  • Passé or Retiré: Everything you Need to Know

    Passé or Retiré? Often, teachers and dancers use the two terms interchangeably. But is there a difference? In this article, we will answer that question and explain in detail how to execute these steps correctly. Passé or Retiré? Retiré means withdrawn. It is the position where the leg you are working on is bent in…

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  • How to Do a Perfect Jete

    Jete is a throwing step. This movement is a jump from one foot to the other in which you brush the working leg into the air and it appears to have been thrown. There is a great variety of jetes and you may perform them in all directions. What is the Jeté movement? Jeté means…

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  • Pas de Basque: How to Do it Perfectly

    Pas de Basque is a typical step of the national dances of the Basques. So, this movement has been adapted to ballet use. You can do pas de basque glissé or pas de basque sauté. So, you can do the first one close to the floor, while the second is jumped. Also, you can do…

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  • Frappe in Ballet: Everything You Need to Know

    In ballet, the term “frappé” refers to a swift and precise movement of the working foot from the cou de pied position to the front, side or back. The Frappé strengthens the toes and insteps and develops the power of elevation. The full name of this exercise is Battement Frappé. What does Frappe Mean? The…

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  • A Full Guide to Doing Fondu Perfectly

    Fondu is one of the most common exercises in ballet class, especially at the bar. Fondu means “to melt”. So, in the first part of this exercise,  think of the sensation of “melting”,  and Fondu is one of the most common exercises in ballet class, especially at the bar. Fondu means “to melt”. So, in…

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  • Tips and Techniques for a Perfect Developpé

    Developpé means to unfold. The developpe is one of the last exercises you perform on the bar. But you can also do it in the centre, where its difficulty increases even more. The developpé will be one of the bases of the adagio, that is, that set of slow movements, balances and leg elevation that…

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  • Grand Battement Step by Step

    The Grand Battement is a dynamic and full-of-energy ballet movement. It involves raising one leg in front, to the side or back while maintaining balance on the supporting leg. Grand Battements are a key element in ballet technique and are used in many choreographies to show the strength and flexibility of the dancers. Here is…

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  • Rond de Jambe: A full guide

    Rond de jambe means “Round of the leg, ” a circular leg movement. Ronds de jambe are used as an exercise at the bar, in the centre and the adage, and you can do it a terre or en l’air. When used as a step, ronds de jambe are done en l’air and may be…

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  • How to do a Relevé in Ballet | Ballet Lovers

    Relevé means “raised or rise” and consists of raising the heels from the ground. With ballet slippers, they rise until they only keep the toes on the ground (or demi-pointé). With pointe shoes, you can raise the relevé to the tips of the fingers. How to do a Relevé Relevé in dance is extremely important,…

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